7 Reasons why we absolutely love to clean!

We have had many jobs over the years that we have worked together. At the start we each did a little bit of everything then as time passed our roles became more focused. Terry has always been a “big-picture” guy and I’ve always between the “details” girl. The gifts God has given us have seemed to come together in perfect balance. The one thing that has always remained constant is that we have always worked in service to others.

That’s why when the opportunity to lead a personal assistance and cleaning business became available, we knew it was perfect for us! Through this business we get to serve families, organizations and businesses and that gets us excited.

Cleaning is something we love to do…and here’s why:

  1. It helps our clients have more time for the things in life that are most important to them. Time for their kids, with friends, to work on a project, to travel, to run their business, etc. Our service frees up hours of time that can make all the difference for our clients.

  2. It gives us a sense of accomplishment. The before and after of one of our cleaning/organizing visits is dramatic. There is a lot of satisfaction to see everything in its place and to smell the freshness we leave behind.

  3. We get to meet many dogs and cats and even birds and bunnies during a cleaning visits each week. We are big-time animal lovers and so are all the people on our team. It’s such a joy being welcomed by these sweet, furry members of our client families.

  4. It’s therapeutic! Cleaning and organizing is very calming. Some people work out, some people read, some people listen to music… we love all those things and we love to clean and always have!

  5. Cleaning and organizing are great exercise that uses all muscle groups. It’s a great activity to help us stay active, fit and healthy.

  6. Clean spaces are welcoming spaces. People feel most welcome when they come into an uncluttered and clean space. It’s a joy to think of all the guests and visitors that are welcomed into the homes and offices that we clean. People may not notice how clean a space is but they are always distracted by a space that is not clean.

Happy clients make us happy. Knowing that the work we do builds joy and satisfaction into the lives of others is deeply rewarding. Ultimately, the joy of serving others is the primary reason we started Jeannie & Co. It may be something small, but the oppotunity to provide care and service to people in the Kalamazoo area it what is all about. It’s our goal to make people’s live easier and more fulfilling. We feel abundantly blessed to be able to serve others.

Mother Theresa is one of my heroes. I’ll leave you with some of her words… “In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

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Jeannie Henderson