It’s time to “Shake The House”!

“If we had no winter, spring would not be as pleasant” – Anne Bradstreet

Spring cleaning is such a normal part of American Culture. Yet, the origins of this seasonal ritual date back centuries to other cultures across the globe.

There are many cultures where spring cleaning is a religious practice. In the Jewish culture, Passover is a time of house cleaning. Only unleavened bread (call “matzah” in Hebrew) is eaten during this time in remembrance of the what the enslaved Jewish people were fed in Egypt. Homes are cleaned to avoid even a crumb of leavened bread being left anywhere in the home. Since Passover is around April, many consider this the origin of spring cleaning.

Yet in another culture, the Chinese clean their homes in anticipation of the New Year. They sweep their floors and clean their homes to be rid of any bad luck that may have accumulated during the year before. Then to welcome good fortune, they avoid sweeping for a few days after the New Year to let it settle in to their home.

The Persian culture also observed their New Year with spring cleaning. Today, the practice still continues and is called “khooneh tekouni” which literally means “shaking the house”.

Whatever the reasons for spring cleaning or “shaking your house”. We know it’s good for the soul! After months of living indoors, the clutter and dust that builds up causes us to feel the natural urge to clean. Clean, organized spaces help improve our mood, decrease stress and heighten our creativity.

Let Jeannie & Co. help you get your spring cleaning done. We can help de-clutter, organize and deep clean any space in your home. Call, text or email Jeannie to discuss our Spring Cleaning services available. We’re here to help you spend more time doing what you love!

Spring Cleaning Services:

De-Cluttering, Refrigerator Cleaning, Organizing, Garage Cleaning and more!* Read more about our services by clicking here.

*Available at additional cost.

Sources: Wikipedia & Psychology Today

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Jeannie Henderson