Jeannie Cleaning Supports Share The Warmth Coat Drive


Throughout the entire month of October, Jeannie Cleaning along with over 25 other businesses throughout the county are acting as donation sites for winter wear. Now is the time to go through and clean out your closets before the Michigan Winter comes in. This year there is going to be a greater for donated coats,…

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Jeannie Cleaning Gives Free Disinfectant

There was No Fooling on April 1st at Jeannie Cleaning. We turned our empty parking lot into a drive thru bottle refill station. Offering hospital grade disinfectant to the community, we were able to see a lot of familiar faces and some new. Many people were thankful to receive disinfectant as many stores in town…

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Tips to Sanitize Your Home During Flu Season

Tips to Sanitize your home during Flu season. Since the flu, colds and other bugs are often spread through touch, it’s important to regularly clean the most touched areas in your home. Here are some helpful hints and advice on cleaning your house to prevent the flu and after a flu diagnosis so you can…

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